Contributor's Corner: Kill, Marry, Screw (Halloween Edition)
During the dawn of Viddy Well, we asked each interested contributor to fill out the same questionnaire. The questions spanned from grave to goofy, but the replies were nearly always unexpected. This week we'll take a look at the following question:
Kill, Marry, Screw: Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers?
Brenda Torres:
Kill ALL of them. IDC IDC. Not me, not today.
Blake Haughton:
Kill: Freddy; he's a pedophile and I'd rather not be attached to that. Marry: Jason. I'll treat him well, and he'll totally have my against Myers, who just won't leave me alone after that one night stand -- he couldn't stop talking about his family afterwards, which was a real deal breaker for me. At least Jason is quiet.
Aaron Haughton:
Kill: Freddy. He's the most evil. Screw: Jason. Gave him a chance, then I looked under his mask... Marry: Myers. I love him in all those Austin Powers films.
Anthony Cleveland:
Goddamn, hate the Kill, Marry, Screw game. But if anybody wants to play, here’s a score card. Freddy, masterful with his fingers in all the right ways. Plus, his burned hand is ribbed for his or her pleasure. Downside: he’s a dreamer and has difficultly following through with his tasks. Jason: strong, silent, and possibly a hockey fan (I assume he plays pond hockey in the winter months at crystal lake). Downside: he’s got a lot of mommy issues. Myers is still an enigma. His story changes so much no one know what he is anymore. Strong and silent like Jason, but with less baggage and less family commitments...besides his sister.
What do you think? Who would you kill, marry, or screw? We want to know. Share your thoughts and feelings in the comments section below, and as always, remember to viddy well!