Contributor's Corner: Death Row Pick
During the dawn of Viddy Well, we asked each interested contributor to fill out the same questionnaire. The questions spanned from grave to goofy, but the replies were nearly always unexpected. This week we'll take a look at the following question:
You’ve been sentenced to death, but you’re permitted one film to watch before your public execution; what film do you choose?
Brenda Torres:
I'd probably want to watch a movie with a good ending so I'm going to say True Romance. That's my go-to.
Blake Haughton:
Return of the Jedi since it's a story of ultimate redemption. I'm sure there are many other good films about the same theme, but Jedi's got personal significance to me. You can always see a little of yourself in the struggles of Luke, Leia, and Vader. And, of course, Vader changes his outlook, sacrificing himself for the greater good.
Julia Stecyk:
A Place in the Sun (1951) Montgomery Clift is accused of murder & is found guilty. The ending with Elizabeth Taylor is poignant. I'd want to see a man on his way to death, so I could better prepare myself.
Anthony Cleveland:
My movies 😂.. If they don’t allow that, then Tree of Life or one of my childhood movies like T2 or Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier.
Aaron Haughton:
I'd probably go Paths of Glory. The emotions of the three men condemned to death in film may help me to come to grips with my own situation. The ending is also very simple in a beautiful way. I think I'd be able to face my own demise a bit more fearlessly after the film.
What do you think? Which film would you pick? We want to know. Share your thoughts and feelings in the comments section below, and as always, remember to viddy well!